Summer HAF + HAP

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Summer HAF + HAP

8th August 2023 @ 10:30 am - 2:30 pm

We’re back with food and activities for families on Glevum Open Space on the first three Tuesdays and Thursdays of August.

We are very grateful to Councillor Laura Brooker who has made a donation from the Councillor Community Fund to support the work of Neighbourhood Chaplains, and particular our HAF sessions.

8th, 10th, 15th and 17th August are on the CABs booking system  so if you have children who like games, crafts and sports outdoors, be sure to book and bring them along!  There are two booking pages, one for children eligible for Income-based Free School Meals (HAF)

HAP – Food & Fun for Families at Glevum Park, Abbeydale | Gloucester City District (

and one for other children (HAP).

HAF – Food & Fun for Families at Glevum Park, Abbeydale | Gloucester City District (

Holiday Activities and Food programme (HAF) – Gloucestershire County Council

Food & Fun for Families at Glevum Park Open Space

– Choice of Sports, Games and Craft Activities as well as some Nature Activities *for the whole family* around the open space (some weather-dependant) with Meals served from the Eatwell Wagon.

When? Tuesdays 1st, 8th and 15th August  and  Thursdays 3rd, 10th and 17th August from 10.30am – 2.30pm

For Children of any age accompanied by one (or more!) parent/carer

Booking is essential, preferably using your CABs account.  There are 2 booking pages, one for children in receipt of income-based Free School Meals (HAF) , and one for other children (HAP). The meals are for you as parent(s)  / carer(s) as well as for the children.  If you are not able to add your name as a Participant, please let us know which parent/carer(s) are accompanying the children, along with any dietary requirements.

Once you arrive, please go to our registration table to book and collect a wristband for each family member who would like a meal: those with allergies will wear a red wristband.  We will need the wristbands returned before you leave, please.

Location :  Glevum Open Space, Glevum Way, Abbeydale, Gloucester, GL4 4BL

There are safe walking and cycling routes and bike/scooter racks inside the play park.  The No 2 bus runs along Heron Way (use the stop by Morrisons and walk down to the open space).  If arriving by car, there is some parking at Morrisons or the Abbeydale Community Centre car park.

Meals will be served during the middle of the session from the Eatwell Wagon which will be parked in the car park near Glevum Open Space and will be well signposted; you can bring your meals from there to the Open Space where there are a few benches and also tarpaulins to sit on. There are pavements leading from the car park to the Open Space where the activities will be run.  There will be an Abbey Church Neighbourhood Chaplains/HAF banner and an Information Table staffed by our volunteers near the entrance to the Open Space as well as some gazebos. It would be good if you bring your own waterbottle, although we will bring some water in camping containers and cups.

Questions?   Abbey Church Neighbourhood Chaplains and other volunteers from Abbey Church CIO will be running the session.  For more information, please contact Church Administrator, Abby Brook:    07788 110602

Ready to launch!

Activity Description 

Some days, we’ll have some exciting visiting artists or sports leaders to supplement our friendly volunteer-led activities.

Sports and games  will include football, rounders and parachute games most days.

Each day there will be at least two craft activities on offer which will be listed at the information table plus colouring sheets/greetings cards to colour /nature activities.  We plan to do the crafts described, although some may depend on weather/space available!  We hope children of all ages, with their parents/carers, will enjoy the crafts.  We have some environment message posters that we’d love you to colour: the best we will laminate and tie to the park railings so you can see them displayed the next session!

We will have some copies of the “Holiday, Activities and Food Family Booklet” to give out at our sessions, but here is an online version which gives healthy recipes, tips for helping children to try new foods and sources of funding to help families experiencing difficulties  web-parent-booklet-summer-2023.pdf (


Tuesday 8th August

Sports  Informal football games

Craft and other activities:

Linda from “Read with Me”

– Binoculars

–  Lolly stick picture frames

– Colouring and sticking

–   Cress planting

Thursday 10th August

Sports Informal football games

Craft and other activities

– Hands-on Fun with Healthy Food: Fruit kebabs

–          Sensory pictures (mice/natural materials)

–          Pencil pots

–          Colouring and sticking

Making and launching stomp rockets

Tuesday 15th August

Sports: organised by Prostars

Craft and other activities

– “Moving Pictures”

– Junk modelling

Making and launching stomp rockets

Thursday 17th August

Sports  Coached football sessions and informal games


Craft and Other Activities:

– Painting Plant Pots

– Favourite crafts from previous sessions

Every day There will be other sports equipment such as hula hoops, skipping ropes and swingball for you to use and (weather-permitting) mats with toys on for y ou to sit and play with babies/toddlers.

The playpark at the open space is open at all times.

Food Provision Information

The Food is being planned and delivered by the Eatwell Wagon caterers and will be tasty and meet the DfE nutritional standards: more details of meals will be available on our website if we receive them in advance.

If you feel your child(ren)’s dietary requirements will not be met by our provision please visit

for more information on how you can access suitable and nutritional food for your children.

Information about Accessibility for SEND families

Glevum Open Space is accessible – there are no steps – and there are toilets (including disabled toilets and baby change) in the Abbeydale Community Centre by the park and a short distance away at Morrisons where parents may take children.

For children with SEND who feel the need for some peace and quiet, we have a sensory tent that we will erect under a gazebo.





8th August 2023
10:30 am - 2:30 pm
Event Categories:
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Event Tags:
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Glevum Open Space
Gloucester, GL4 4BL
+ Google Map