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Summer HAF + HAP
We're back with food and activities for families on Glevum Open Space on the first three Tuesdays and Thursdays of August. We are very grateful to Councillor Laura Brooker who has made a donation from the Councillor Community Fund to support the work of Neighbourhood Chaplains, and particular our HAF sessions. 8th, 10th, 15th and 17th August are on the CABs booking system so if you have children who like games, crafts and sports outdoors, be sure to book and…
Find out more »Summer HAF + HAP
We're back food and activities for families on Glevum Open Space on the first three Tuesdays and Thursdays of August. We are very grateful to Councillor Laura Brooker who has made a donation from the Councillor Community Fund to support the work of Neighbourhood Chaplains, and particular our HAF sessions. 15th and 17th August are stillon the CABs booking system so if you have children who like games, crafts and sports outdoors, be sure to book and bring them along! …
Find out more »6:15 Club
A free, weekly term-time club for children aged from reception to school year 6. - crafts and games - a short Bible story and refreshments. Parents are very welcome to stay and chat, or leave the children and come back to collect them. We will ask you to fill in a registration form the first time you come to ensure that our DBS-checked volunteers can look after your children safely and have an emergency contact number. for more information, please…
Find out more »6:15 Club
A free, weekly term-time club for children aged from reception to school year 6. - crafts and games - a short Bible story and refreshments. Parents are very welcome to stay and chat, or leave the children and come back to collect them. We will ask you to fill in a registration form the first time you come to ensure that our DBS-checked volunteers can look after your children safely and have an emergency contact number. for more information, please…
Find out more »HAF+HAP Pop-up Play Day at Glevum Park, Abbeydale
Date: Tuesday 6th August Time: 10am - 2pm Bookings Open at noon 1 July: Here is the page for this activity Pop up Play Day @ Glevum Park Abbeydale | Gloucester City District (coordinate.cloud) For Children of any age accompanied by one (or more!) parent/carer Booking is essential, preferably using your CABs account. The meals are for you as parent(s) / carer(s) as well as for the children. Ready to launch!…
Find out more »HAF+HAP Pop-up Play Day at Glevum Park, Abbeydale
Date: Thursday 8 August Time: 10am - 2pm You will find us under "Family Activities" on the HAF website: Family Activities Glos City HAF – gloucestershirehaf.com For Children of any age accompanied by one (or more!) parent/carer Booking is essential, preferably using your CABs account; please note that there is a HAF (eligible for Free School Meals) page and a HAP booking page (not means-tested). The meals are for you as parent(s) / carer(s) as well…
Find out more »Winning the Race – Holiday Bible Club (Day 2)
Holiday Bible Club for children currently in Primary School years Reception to Year 6 Come along, bring your friends and enjoy games, crafts bible stories and songs. Booking available here... https://abbey.churchsuite.com/events/frot6scu If your children would like to come to "Winning the Race" please sign them up. Indicating which days you plan them to be there, of course they are welcome to come to all three! We're planning to provide sandwiches/wraps with fillings and drinks as a free lunch at noon each day…
Find out more »Winning the Race – Holiday Bible Club (Day 3)
Holiday Bible Club for children currently in Primary School years Reception to Year 6 Come along, bring your friends and enjoy games, crafts bible stories and songs. Booking available here... "Winning the Race" (15-Aug-2024) · ChurchSuite Events If your children would like to come to "Winning the Race" please sign them up. Indicating which days you plan them to be there, of course they are welcome to come to all three! We're planning to provide sandwiches/wraps with fillings and drinks as a…
Find out more »Light Party
All primary school aged children welcome to this free party to enjoy: - crafts (including edible craft) - games - party food - Bible story and please wear your brightest clothes! You are welcome to stay in the hall if you prefer not to leave your children. We plan to have some dairy-free and gluten-free food and to avoid food containing nuts, but if you have any concerns about food allergies, then please let Abby know: 07788 110602 or email…
Find out more »Drop In Youth
A free, weekly term-time club for young people aged 11-17yrs. - table tennis - pool - table football - video games - board games for more information, please email youth@abbeychurch.net and find us on Facebook Facebook
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