Summer HAF+HAP: fun and food!
We’ve enjoyed meeting lots of families at our 6 days of food and activities for families on Glevum Open Space. The food has been delicious, the crafts impressive and the games energetic! We had one day when we were inside, Abbeydale Community Centre kindly inviting us to use two of their rooms, but the rain held off on other days, even when the darkest clouds gathered while the queue of eager rocket-makers waited optimistically at the launcher.
It has been great to see so many children drawing, colouring and painting, using our prepared crafts as a starting point, and often coming up with original ideas for junk modelling on a couple of days.
There has been hours of lively football playing, along with rounders and parachute games and swingball, and we were delighted to have expert archers on 2 occasions to help even the smallest children develop their skills with safe equipment; Rob from Prostars and Ashraf.

Spot the rocket!
The volunteers on the Eatwell Wagon have worked long hours in preparation and in cheerfully serving hundreds of children and parents, not only here but at other HAF sessions around the city.
For helpful information on healthy eating, encouraging children to try new foods and learning some exciting recipes submitted by families around the county, have a look at this booklet provided by Gloucester County Council.
web-parent-booklet-summer-2023.pdf (
We are very grateful to Councillor Laura Brooker who has made a donation from the Councillor Community Fund to support the work of Neighbourhood Chaplains, and particular our HAF sessions.